Sommaire du n°72-73 Année 1981 - Tome XXXVII La pêche traditionnelle en Océanie |
Articles | |
Marie-Claire BATAILLE-BENGUIGUI Introduction : La pêche traditionnelle en Océanie : implications sociales, culturelles et économiques. |
Atholl ANDERSON Barracouta fishing in prehistoric and early New Zealand. |
Pamela SWADLING and Ann CHOWNING Shellfish gathering at Nukalau Island, West New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea. |
Sylvia SPRING Marine turtles in the Manus Province : a study of the social, cultural and economic implications of the traditional exploiation of marine turtles in the Manus Province of Papua New Guinea. |
John C. PERNETTA and Lance HILL A review of marine resource use in coastal Papua. |
Thomas RYAN Fishing intransition on Niue. |
James G. CARRIER Ownership of productive resources on Ponam Island, Manus Province. |
Raymond FIRTH Figuration and symbolis in Tikopia fishing and fish use. |
Katharine LUOMOLA Eels in Gilberts Islands culture : traditional beliefs, rituals and narratives. |
Marie-Claire BATAILLE-BENGUIGUI La capture du requin au noeud coulant aux Iles Tonga : persistance et changements dans l'observation des interdits. |
Paula RUBEN and Abraham ROSMAN Shark fishing in Melanesia. |
Asahitaro NISHIMURA Maritime counterpart to megalithic culture on land. |
Miscellanées |
Paere MOKOREA Traditional Cook Islands fishing techniques. |
René GUIART Témoignage : la vie et la mort d'Eloi Machoro |
Vannick BODIN |
Constant RUAREI TE'ENA |
Tepano TEPARI |
Comptes rendus d'ouvrages. | |
Actes de la Société. |
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